Block It

Monday, December 22, 2014

Allison Woolberts' Proposal for New DSM Classification - Social Media Dysphoria

Allisons' Proposal for the DSM: Social Media Dysphoria- created by confusing text and graphics thrown at an individual at all times by people on social media. An epidemic in the early 21st century caused by egos, psychos, activists, family members and politicians colliding in a maelstrom of spewing anything they feel like over social media with no understanding of privacy, ramifications, harms, or morality.

Remedy: Taking time away from social media that results in grounding ones-self back into reality versus false and confusing messages. Stopping the inundation by removal from the source for a given point of time to reflect and reconsider how one might benefit and not be harmed from such intense communications.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Breaking News: Smaug Seizes North Pole in Pre-Holiday Attack

In a complete surprise, Smaug of Middle-Earth has appeared and struck gold foil and gift wrap at the North Pole.  The dragon appeared totally pissed off while pulled off a scathing assault not seen since the days of Shock, Awe and Torture.  According to the conservative Faux Snews, Smaug had contacted some Rethardian House insiders to get permission to insure compliance with their EPA Smaug regulations.

Smaug reportedly was mumbling incessantly about a disagreement with Peter Jackson and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayers’ (the gold hoarding company) in their refusal to drop the part where Smaug was allegedly assassinated by some village idiot.  Occasional bouts of flame interrupted his mumbling with screams echoing across the tundra “I am not a stinking lizard Jackson!” 

Smaug was also fuming mad when he flew into the arctic area only to be confronted by some four legged creature with a blinking nose.  The creature Standing Its Ground had an assault rifle and was yelling “I ain't no stinking Hobbit”.  Second later, after the flames had gone out a pile of cooked venison began chilling in the arctic air.

Elves in shock –
Elves in panic and disarray began hastily trying to save the Book of Naughty and Nice which became dislodged and slid into the mountain of Christmas packages. In a frantic attempt to retrieve the book, several chief elves got tangled in the gold ribbons and paper resulting in a snack for Smaug as he dug his claws deeper into the castle.  The book is now lost and unfortunately under the control of Smaug.

In an attempt to negotiate with the Emperor Smaug the corporate chief elves made every attempt to dissuade Smaug from seizing the Pole by telling him how they had not defended the dwarfs when he took over his last golden hoard.   After a brief discussion, Smaug toasted the negotiators stating “Who knew- dwarves and elves all taste like chicken and where is the damn soy sauce up here!”

In terror, the elves hastily all tried to climb into the Sleigh toppling it over a cliff!  No survivors have been found as of yet.

Santa missing while Mrs. Clause is chained to the Christmas tree
Santa has gone missing and a search is underway for the chubby dude by the local authorities.  A trail of candy canes appears to lead off into the tundra.

In another surprise, Mrs. Clause apparently has been taken captive when she crossed ‘the border’ returning with the Christmas cheer (code name: Santa’s spiked eggnog) from his favorite liquor store.  Mrs. Clause stated after her brief discussion with Smaug the following “Gollum, gollum… my chubby sexy bunny is LOST!  gollum”. Interpreters are still working on the obviously coded message.

International Community Reacts
The international community has reacted very strongly by condemning the attack and closing all the chimneys in an act of defiance concerning the seized holiday gifts.   The President of the Fractured States issued the following:

“Smaug has done it this time!  We shake our fist in rage at such a terribly inconsiderate beast.  We will be issuing a proper response at some time in the future when the clock ticks on the special hour of our determination whenever that might be.”

The remainder of the international community still hasn't figured out what that means and highly suspects that heavy Haupai or Mai Tai’s were being consumed at the time of the press release.

 This has been a special pre-holiday releaese

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Elf Watch- Santa Helper getting Slammed

Elf Watch- This long time Santa's Helper has hit the end of the road. the Gender Identity Wart-ch machine is now demanding the removal of all male appearing gender elfs from Santas' workshop to combat the evil elves. "All those evil bearing elves should be locked up forever and never be allowed to be near females!"

In the meantime, concerns are growing that this sleeping elf behind the wheel could result in the Family Lack-of-Credible-Research Council may be considering a constitutional amendment to ban all elves in any vehicles. "We understand the implicit dangers to our families by a psycho elf falling asleep in a vehicle- the Family Must Be Preserved and the only way to do that is a Constitutional Amendment banning elves from entering our country!"

And of course the Elfigration Department has again spoken up- "Elves infiltrating our country are of a great concern and could potentially be a terrorist- they liter endlessly with wrapped up boxes, general presence around children, and we have no idea where they go other than December! Our attempts to infiltrate their lairs have only resulted in Reindeer Poop!"

The Central Elf Lack-Of-Inteleggence Agence has also weighed in on the matter- "We have waterboarded several of these creatures lately and have established clear evidence that a full blown plot to murder Santa has been discovered. Waterboarding of elves works!"

Sadly- the state of the elf kingdom is in total disarray as the gifts are due next week, they are down the master elf now, and apparently AA is rejecting elves at the door due to a confusion as to if it's an allergy, the steps validity on elves, and the elves refusal to believe in a Higher Power greater than Santa.

Sigh- the world is a changed place- Written By Allison Woolbert (yep you can stick my name on it please)

Friday, October 31, 2014

Allison Woolbert- Working in Overdrive and Overtime

Lately I've been working really long hours on hard subjects.  Working and investigating transgender violence, murders and harassment can leave a serious toll on a persons mental health.  For all those that work in these trauma inducing areas, Allison Woolbert, Founder of the Transgender Violence Tracking Portal  and CEO of Phoenix Consultants Group has some helpful suggestions on how she continues to stay healthy and upbeat (well mostly) even in the face of such harsh realities.

So here we go:

Suggestion One:  Always take a break when you are overwhelmed.  Whether it is going to get a drink, going outside, listening to music, or calling a friend, taking a break is one of the most helpful things I do when getting overwhelmed with the violence.

Suggestion Two:  Pick up something that really is one of your favorite smells.  A vanilla candle, a nice cinnamon, or even your favorite fragrance or perfume.  Whatever it is, the smell will bring you back to some of those wonderful thoughts and moments of joy.

Suggestion Three:  Take a shower, hot bath, put an ice pack on yourself but change the temperature of how your body may be feeling.  Often times, even a hot cup of your favorite liquid (Rojos' Coffee - YES!)  can shift your mind out of the horrible things that you read or see.

At the end of the day, minimizing the trauma of working with some of these types of data can be managed and the effects they have on you minimized.  Remember to take good care of yourself at all times and in so doing, you can continue the work the next day, and the next.

allison woolbert
Allison Woolbert
Now who is this woman? :  Allison Woolbert is a writer, advocate, parent, researcher, CEO, adventurist and so many other things that it's hard to list.  Her thoughts and suggestions have been requested numerous times by friends and as Allison says- "If my advice doesn't work for you- put it in a brown paper bag, and set it down beside your path as you journey forward leaving it far behind."

May we all have a very special journey and joy in as many steps as possible!

Allison Woolbert

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Allison Woollberts' Transgender Violence Tracking Portal utilized by Louisiana Trans Advocates

We are using the data generated by the program Allison Woolbert, a trans-advocate and professional computer software developer in Princeton, New Jersey for our annual Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). 

Louisiana Trans Advocates has tried to work with other programs but Ms. Allison Woolbert has been able to generate a way of capturing a verifiable and searchable database. There were well intended efforts in the past but there were some difficulties in being able to document all the cases of murdered transgender individuals. 

With the Transgender Violence Tracking Portal in place, the TDOR information is more likely to be seen by the general public as valid.  Plus, thanks to the efforts of our friend and associate, Ms. Allison Woolbert, we are able to add other forms of violence such as serious cases of assault, and the tragic incidences where gender dysphoric people are only able to consider suicide as an end to their struggles.

Elizabeth Jenkins LTA Board President

Friday, August 1, 2014

Who the heck is Allison Woolbert????

Allison Woolbert grew up in Silver Bell, Arizona, a remote copper mining community (now a ghost town), where she never quite fit in.  She attended Abilene Christian University, where she didn’t fit in either; ended up in the US Air Force, where she definitely did not fit in; and in 2008 was introduced to the Unitarian Universalists (UU), where she finally started to feel like she fit in. 

She has been the CEO of Phoenix Consultants Group, a national software development firm, for the past 18 years; founder of the Transgender Violence Tracking Portal.  Allison founded Interweave of South Jersey to promote education, equality, and social justice for the LGBT community

An educator, speaker, writer and advocate in the field of gender bias, gender identity, gender expression, erasure, human rights equality and religious abuse, Allison brings her unique perspective and humor that draws on a rich variety and unusual breadth of experience as a gender-affirmed woman in the 21st century.  Her advocacy and speaking engagements have included sermons, workshops, regional conferences and social justice organizations throughout the east coast and abroad.  She provides guidance as an interfaith organizer balancing events that honor all religious beliefs as a spiritual pathway to respect and dignity of all.

She served as the Transgender Advocate for the UU-United Nations Office 2009- 2010. She is an organizer for nationwide Transgender Day of Remembrance vigils as well as a speaker and researcher dedicated to finding the media alerts of transgender individuals who have been murdered throughout the world. She has been on numerous direct non-violent action planning committees as an adviser for many of the ‘die-in’ demonstrations across the country raising awareness to the transgender murders that have been occurring.  

 Allison was the national UU contact for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) in conjunction with the UU Washington Office of Advocacy and Standing on the Side of Love.  Her advocacy efforts resulted in a 2010 Responsive Resolution at General Assembly to press for passage of ENDA through thousands of letters and phone calls to the House, Senate and White House.

Her professional interactive workshops concerning Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation (SOGI) create an affirming, but provocative environment where individual beliefs can be safely explored.  Workshops have been presented at the Murray Grove Annual Meeting, Joseph Priestly District Annual Conference, General Assembly 2010, Philadelphia Family Matters Conference, NJ CURA and others.

Allison is a credentialed practicing Reiki Master and healer.  

She has 5 wonderful children. She has an outstanding and continual relationships for over 45 years with her mentors and comforters; the speaking stuffed teddy bear Biff (as a child), the real life Boston Terrier, Biff, her very best friend as a youth who listened and played with her; and now Biff, her beautiful stuffed non-organic Boston Terrier (who is the best listener and comforter EVER!). She enjoys watching Biff’s reincarnation to new and exciting physical beings, perhaps mirroring her own?