Block It

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Religion / Constitutional Rights / Freedom

When YOUR religion interferes with MY constitutional rights, it's time to declare your religion anti-American, a threat to Democracy and end your Tax Exemptions.

 If you can't separate your church/religion from your state/county/local government job then it's time also to terminate your employment immediately.

Superfund Sites in New Jersey Clearly Causing Issues with Public Figures

As Superfund Cleanup sites around New Jersey continue to be ignored or fines paid off (the politicians, not the actual fines owed) in an epic short sighted way (such as the Exxon facility in Linden, New Jersey), a recent study published by The Center for Chemical Contamination in Brain Chemistry of Mentally Degenerate Politicians (aka CFCCBCMDP), released a report on two political leaders from New Jersey that are showing epic brain cell disruptions in dramatically public ways.

With the addition of Chris Christie (born at the Newark Superfund area) and Antonin Scalia (born at the Trenton multiple Superfund sites) who have given profoundly gibberished public statements over the past five days, the displayed signs of such chemical contamination has alarmed scientists.

CFCCBCMDP Chief Scientist O'man Sariously stated that the effects of the chemical poisoning apparently can morph to the point where the individuals become super narcissists and incapable of rational and reasonable thought.  The new disease classification has been coined the Scalia-Christie Delusional God Poisoning Syndrome.

Bring in the Clowns - Another Clown for President Arrives

Today in an epic move that stunned the nation, the Republican Party had another large clown step up for a performance in the three ring circus of Republican Presidential impossibilities.  Following directly after Donald Trump (the Rug Master),  Chris Christie (the Rage Master) stepped into the ring to see how many abhorrent articles he could elicit from the press while telling voters to "Shut up!  It's MY time in the Ring!".

The unpopular, narcissistic candidate of the little known political crime state of New Jersey prematurely ejaculated on the telephone telling reporters he was going to come out of the closet into the three rings while the song Send in the Clowns played across the entire earth by a satellite that he contracted as part of his New Jersey Transportation Budget.

As part of his announcement, Gov. Christie shut down all the major bridges out of New Jersey in order that voters could not leave the state during his announcement.

Known as the Garden State, the manure required to fertilize this campaign has gone to epic proportions and cost.  When Acme Fertilizer and Bull was contacted, the owner P. Profusely said "I have never shipped that much bull to any other political figure in my life!  They wanted me to give my steers ex-lax to provide a different finished product.  I just couldn't do that to my cattle."

Sadly, the oxygen that has been depleted from the region due to this blow hard and self proclaimed candidate has caused an Air Quality Warning to be issued for the entire region by the US Weather Service.