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Monday, February 9, 2015

Allison Woolbert- Business opportunities abound in Swaziland.

Some websites just need rework. Take for instance the website.   

Business opportunities abound in Swaziland.  The systems are somewhat outdated and the main page simply isn't working well (or at all!).  The Prime Minister cannot be found and I'm certain it is of serious concern to the government without a web presence.  

I find that programming for small and growing places can be a profitable and challenging job.  At the same time, I see that there are places in need of increasing their visibility on the planet and bettering their people I try to see what I can do about it.  Working on old websites and technologies can also be a challenge in that the systems sometimes cannot be changed due to antiquated and irrelevant code.  

Allison Woolbert can certainly begin unraveling the details of this sort of site and provide a proper website coupled with training the IT department on new methodology for hosting and managing websites. 

I wonder how much the weather is affecting these servers and systems?  Is it the dust, the weather or the infrastructure?  Simply speaking, this can be a complete rework with a win-win situation for all of us concerned!  Just think, Allison Woolbert could create  Swazilanda fantastic government infrastructure & system that can fully demonstrate how up and coming they are!

Some places are just more challenging than others to get technology working properly in.  I figure that if properly created, the system, the software and the country could benefit entirely from a skills from a professional computer person!

Allison Woolbert is a computer technology expert who simply loves to play with new technologies and programming methodologies.  She's been working as a professional database and web developer for years and takes on many challenges that others simply can't figure out.  You can find her at Phoenix Consultants Group!

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