Allison Woolbert just accepted a fantastic position as Deputy Division Manager with the National Security Agency working within the Counter Intelligence Cyber-Warfare Unit. This such a huge opportunity to really do what I enjoy doing!
Admiral Michael Rogers stated "We are looking forward to working with Ms. Woolbert given her skills and abilities to detect anomalies. We are expecting Ms. Woolbert to be a great asset to this nation in preventing further cyber attacks and in helping bring about change to our existing security structures."
The six figure salary is finally going to make a huge difference in my life! After such a harsh couple of years, it appears I'll be the first ever Deputy with my skill set, gender, sexual orientation and personality who can make a real impact in the way the US Counterintelligence units do business! The openness shown by the Admiral to change and providing a transparency level unheard of before at NSA is truly going to be wonderful and I can't wait!
It's amazing in that the NSA is working towards such reasonable goals as transparency and protection at the same time.
Allison Woolbert is a computer technology expert who simply loves to play with new technologies and programming methodologies. She's been working as a professional database and web developer for years and takes on many challenges that others simply can't figure out. You can find her at Phoenix Consultants Group!
damn, now you'll know everything about me.