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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Allison Woollberts' Transgender Violence Tracking Portal utilized by Louisiana Trans Advocates

We are using the data generated by the program Allison Woolbert, a trans-advocate and professional computer software developer in Princeton, New Jersey for our annual Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). 

Louisiana Trans Advocates has tried to work with other programs but Ms. Allison Woolbert has been able to generate a way of capturing a verifiable and searchable database. There were well intended efforts in the past but there were some difficulties in being able to document all the cases of murdered transgender individuals. 

With the Transgender Violence Tracking Portal in place, the TDOR information is more likely to be seen by the general public as valid.  Plus, thanks to the efforts of our friend and associate, Ms. Allison Woolbert, we are able to add other forms of violence such as serious cases of assault, and the tragic incidences where gender dysphoric people are only able to consider suicide as an end to their struggles.

Elizabeth Jenkins LTA Board President

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